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A Guide on Linnaean Taxonomy


Taxonomic Levels of Organization

Linnaean Taxonomy

In biology, taxonomic rank is the relative level of a group of organisms (a taxon) in an ancestral or hereditary hierarchy. A common system of biological classification (taxonomy) consists of species, genus, family, order, class, phylum, kingdom, and domain, commonly referred to as "Linnaean Classification." Note that the highest levels of classification (kingdom and domain), are outdated as they are not inclusive of all forms of life, with many biologists preferring the "supergroup" system. Further, there are many groups of subclassification between the traditional 7 levels of classification not listed. Other proper formatting that will be used on this website including italicization and abbreviated genus and species (Ex: M. polymorpha).

It is also common for scientific names to be updated, as a result of genome sequencing. If you believe any names need to be updated on this website, please contact me!

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